You can’t open the application “Disk Clean Pro” because it may be damaged or incomplete.
You can’t open the application “Disk Clean Pro” because it may be damaged or incomplete.
It gets the job done and doesn't try to bug you about upgradeing to a super pro version.
Seems to work OK on Mac OS
My virus scanner found a trojan horse associated with this app. Careful.
Works well but I still have that ONE file it just does not seem to want or be able to delete?
Nice quick way to clean up your MacBook.
I'm on Big Sur, and it seems to work great! Thanks!
What gives? I purchased this app and it won't open! I can't get a support person to help. I am incensed! I want a refund immediately!
It keeps my Mac Mini 2012 going. You will have to use this everyday to keep your pc running fast. You will also need to clean your HD once a year. Keep the HD free as you can so that you won’t have too many files on it. It can run faster with a lighter load as everyone knows.
Ive used this software for years! It always help my computer run a little faster.
My new iMac started to run slow after about 8 months. After using Disc Clean Pro it's working like new again. Graet app!
Just started to use the app and asked me to rate immediately. I am writing this review just to write a review. We’ll use and see..
I have tried a lot of different system cleaners and this one is not too intrusive like Cleanmymacx. Disk clean pro cleans a minimal amount that makes sense . I would definitely recommend Disk clean pro !!!!
No freezing issues. I’m looking forward to seeing if there’s any notable change in 'performance'.
I have had issues with other cleaners slowing down my MAC. this softwar works great and no issues with bogging down my system.
I click "Clean Now" & it removes stuff. I am not qualified to "know" if it is cleaning or just say it's cleaning. It reports cleaning completed & makes me believe it is cleaner. I am not unhappy. 04.11.20
The software dont help you to delete just to identify the duplicates... you must choose indiviually. So if you is trying clean a large amount of files... forget it.... waste five bucks...
This software is not opening now in my Mac. It was deticted as a virus by Kaspersky and then deleted. Please show me a solution.
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It was quick and easy to use. My desktop is several years old and I've not been viguilant about keeping up with cleaning out duplicate files & photos. So It was getting slower. I was recommended to this program by another program that was working with just photos. The price was good, so i gave it a try. Hope all the rest of the cleaning is as easy as this program has been. Thanks so much for putting this out there.
I don,t like its a scamm
Works great and very easy to use!
Fast and efficient.
I’ve been using this App for over 2 years on my MAC. It works great. Easy to use. Scans quickly. Never had a problem. Highly recommended!
If I wanted to buy your other products, I would. I don't need to see an ad every time I quit the program!
Ever since the latest update, they took away the feature to optimize RAM. My Mac runs really slow and I needed an app to help speed it up. Now all this app does is delete junk files, which is actually not the issue on my computer. I regularly delete junk files manually, and that’s not speeding up anything. So this app is now simply another junk file on my computer, potentially even slowing things down. And i will manually delete it. Shame because I paid for this app.
The app is locked asking to confim the home directory and doesent' work . Don't waste your money like I did
There are several apps that I use that seem to slow down over time. After using Disk Clean Pro periodically, it seems to restore the original speed of the apps.
I love this app and it's been great at keeping my Mac running at optimal speed and VERY EASY TO USE! So glad I found this app!
paid for this app yet i have to click multiple times to exit it due to adware. Inappropriate and uncommon.
I've only had the program for awhile but I like it so far.
I like this app - it cleans what needs cleaning, and does an impressive and fast job of optimization. I would give it 5 stars, but everytime it finishes a task, it asks me to rate it - and everytime I close it, a prompt appears wanting me to try more of their software. That gets very annoying, but everything else about it works great.
I have owned a Mac since 2009 and the Diisk Clean Pro is the best app for cleaning my Mac. I have use others which were high price software that are not as good as this one. It is worth the cost.
Easy to use and good interface.
I use this software and a companion software that removes duplicate photos. Both are wonderful and worked as expected. Removed all worthless duplicates that clogged my computer memory. :)
Good app for cleaning up my mess.
Everytime you use the software it tries to get you to buy another one. Can't close the app without it. If you're going to nag, it should be free.
This app broke my os I had to pay geek squad $99 to reinstall mac! I could not even get it reinstalld myself! it was that bad! Do not buy this app it was a waste of $4.99!
Selecting a function like a memory scan results in the function being interrupted by their pop-ups Cannot even quit the app without a pop-up to sell you something else. I only paid $4.99 and that seems like too much.
So the delete DUPLICATE feature actually deletes the ONLY file. I do graphic design and had a few typefaces show up when I was using the Find Duplicates feature. After using this program, I am trying to get back to work on some projects all time discover that typefaces have been deleted. If it was a duplicate file then there would still be the other file on my computer, allowing me to finish my work. Now, I have to go back and redownload all of my typefaces. Who knows what else it has deleted! Can I please get a refund?
Not only is this program nearly useless, but it prompts you to review them or buy their other products all the time.
I literally just bought the app. Would you let me use it a few times before constantly asking for a review? Because of this I’m giving you a low score.
Greetings, This program worked once and then would not function because of a pop up that locked my purchase program unlless I upgrade. Got so many pop-up with program off on up grade had to remove to stop the pop-ups from interferring with why I even own a computer. Made me even cause me to go on my sons desk top to finish papers pne evening. Do not recommend the program be loaded due to the distration it causes to youduring the use of your computer for work and personal actions.
so far so good very easy to use
Just installed this and have been doing a much needed cleaning to my MacBook Air, no issues yet.
Hope it works
Thought I would give it a shot but it doesn’t work.